Friday, June 09, 2006

The making of the Cinquante Cinq mobile - part 1

Over the next three days I am posting pictures and texts on the art mobile I made for the restaurant Cinquante Cinq. It has been hanging there since Thursday 8th June. Today it's about how it started. Tomorrow you'll see the mobile growing piece by piece and part by part. On the last day you can see what the whole thing looks like hanging up in the restaurant. I hope you enjoy it and add some comments to this blog! And remember you can click on the pictures to make them bigger.

Estos tres días que vienen voy a publicar imagenes y textos sobre el móvil artístico que hice para el restaurante Cinquante Cinq. Está colgado allí desde el día 8 de junio. Hoy se trata de como empezó. Mañana vereis como crece el móvil pieza por pieza y parte por parte. El ultimo día podreis ver el móvil entero colgado en el restaurante. Espero que lo disfrutéis y que añadéis comentos a este blog. Y recordaros que pinchando en las fotos se hacen mas grandes.

The Restaurant:
"Cinquante Cinq", Joaquín Costa 55, Valencia. Owner Alasdair Moore opened the restaurant in July 2001 with the aim of offering his customers classic French cuisine in an elegant, comfortable and friendly environment. Menus change each week and the food is truly delicious. Alasdair also exhibits the work of local artists in Cinquante Cinq.

El Restaurante:
"Cinquante Cinq", Joaquín Costa, 55, Valencia. El proprietario Alasdair Moore (Alex) abrió el restaurante en julio de 2001 con el propósito de brindar a sus clientes una cocina francesa clásica en un entorno elegante y a la vez comodo y familiar. Los menus cambian cada semana y la comida es realmente deliciosa. Alasdair también expone el trabajo de artistas locales en Cinquante Cinq.

The Commission:
Alasdair exhibited six of my mobiles in March. This new mobile is to be a commercial/artistic work ("artvertising") that will represent and advertise some of the key features of Cinquante Cinq. It is to be a large piece, hang in a central location and be visible from the street as well. We discuss the restaurant's features by identifying various key words and phrases ... Alasdair also likes the idea of a mobile representing a restaurant scene.

La Comisión:
Alasdair expuso 6 de mis moviles en marzo. Este móvil nuevo será un trabajo comercial/artístico que representará y anunciará algunos de los aspectos claves de Cinquante Cinq. Será una obra grande, colgada en un sitio centrico y se verá desde la calle. Comentamos las características del restaurante identificando palabras y frases claves ... a Alasdair le gusta tambien la idea de un movil que representa una escena en el restaurante.

The Proposal
Many hours and many sketches later I present a proposal along the lines of the scene idea. In the background we have some recognizable French culture - a part of the Pont du Gard. Alasdair is keen on jazz, and jazz is often on the stereo at Cinquante Cinq, so a sax player near a couple of diners seems right. The streetlight adds a nocturnal touch and suggests an outside dining area (from this summer Cinquante Cinq will be serving outside too). In the centre the two young diners enjoy their wine (naturally) and seem enfolded by various aspects of the environment - music, plant leaves etc... to dine here is to be caught up in the whole experience. To the right, a speedy waiter bearing two bowls of piping hot food and a multitasking chef suggest speedy service, a dynamic, busy kitchen and food that moves briskly from point of creation to point of consumption.

La propuesta
Muchas horas y muchos esbozos mas tarde presento una propuesta basada en la idea de una escena. En segundo plano tenemos un poco de cultura francesa reconocible - una parte del Pont du Gard. Alasdair es aficionado del jazz y el jazz suena a menudo en el estéreo de Cinquante Cinq, así que un saxofonista cerca de una pareja que está cenando parece una buena idea. El farol añade un toque nocturno y sugiere una terraza (a partir de este verano Cinquante Cinq tendrá mesas fuera también). En el centro la pareja joven disfruta de su vino (naturalmente) y parece estar envuelta en varios aspectos del entorno - la música, hojas de la planta etc... cenar en este restaurante significa estar enrollado en una experiencia completa. A la derecha, un camarero rápido con dos cuencos de comida calentísima y un cocinero en pleno multifuncionamiento sugieren un servicio rápido, una cocina dinámica y comida que se mueve rapidamente desde el punto de creación al punto de consumo.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The making of the Cinquante Cinq mobile - part 2

In part 2 we see the mobile take shape piece by piece. En la segunda parte vemos como el móvil se va desarrollando pieza por pieza.

The wooden vanes with undercoat
Las maderas cortadas, con selladora

On go the acrylic colours
Se aplican los colores de acrílico

The couple are still faceless but at least they now have wire chairs
La pareja sigue sin caras pero por lo menos ya tienen sus sillas de alambre

The sax music - my idea of what Charlie Parker playing bebop would look like if you could see it
La musica del saxo - mi idea del aspecto visual que tendría el bebop tocado por Charlie Parker si se pudiera ver

Sax under the arches
Saxo debajo de los arcos

The waiter and the cook
El camarero y el cocinero

ITC Tempus Sans - as in the real sign
ITC Tempus Sans - como en el cartel verdadero

At this point a problem arises: the mobile is now too big to hang as one item. After some redesigning and consultation with Alasdair, I decide to split it into two halves. The big advantage of this is that they will rotate individually, constantly creating interesting new perspectives. To make the halves of equal size I take the waiter and cook and add four tables of smaller diners receding into the distance and a large wire plant in the foreground. This also adds a nice sense of depth to the ensemble. Long live serendipity!

Llegado a este punto surge un problema: el móvil está demasiado grande para colgar como una pieza única. Después de rediseñar y consultar con Alasdair, decido dividirlo un dos partes. La gran ventaja de hacer así es que rotarán individualmente, creando constantemente nuevas perpectivas interesantes. Para que las dos mitades tengan el mismo tamaño, cogo el camarero y el cocinero y les añado cuatro mesas mas pequeñas que se van disminuyendo en la distancia y una planta grande de alambre en el primer plano. Esto también añade una sensación agradable de perspectiva al conjunto. ¡Que viva la "serendipity"!

One half now look like this ...
Una parte ahora es así ...

... and the other like this.
.... y la otra así.

An interesting perspective
Una perspectiva interesante

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The making of the Cinquante Cinq mobile - part 3

This is the third and final part. Esta es la tercera y ultima parte.

It's Thursday 8.00 p.m. in Cinquante Cinq and the evening's work is just beginning. Owner Alasdair Moore serves chilled 1664 to some customers who have dropped by for a beer.

Son las 8 de la tarde, jueves, en Cinquante Cinq y el trabajo de la noche acaba de empezar. El proprietario Alasdair Moore sirve 1664 a unos clientes que han entrado para tomar una cervezita.

Meanwhile the hanging of the mobile is nearly finished. This is the moment of truth: the mobile has looked fine hanging in my house for the last few days, but will it look good here?
Mientras tanto falta poco para terminar de colgar el móvil. Es el momento de la verdad: el móvil ha estado perfecto en mi casa estos días pasados, ¿pero como va a quedar aquí?

What a relief - the young couple look as if they were never meant to be anywhere else, the sax player seems quite at home ...
Que alivio - la pareja joven parece destinado a estar en ningun sitio que no fuera este, el saxofonista parece estar en su casa ...

... and the waiter treats the sudden appearance of a real restaurant below him as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
... y el camarero toma la aparición de un restaurante verdadero debajo de el como si fuera lo mas natural del mundo.

Let the good times spin! (No hay traducción)

Thank-you for getting this far, and I hope you have enjoyed this blog story. If you would like to see others like this in the future, or if you are interested in a different angle, contact me: - or follow the link on my website. I'd like to hear your suggestions. And please pass on this blog address to anyone who has a space, at home or at work, that needs something a little different.

Gracias por llegar hasta aquí, y espero que te ha gustado este blog. Si te gustaría ver otros como este en el futuro, o si te interesa un angulo distinto, ponte en contacto: - o sigue el vinculo en mi pagina web. Y por favor pasa este blog a cualquier persona que tiene un espacio, en casa o en el trabajo, que le hace falta algo un poco distinto.

Monday, May 22, 2006

"Domes" hanging in a penthouse apartment in Valencia

Although having ample ceiling space is not needed to display an art mobile, there is definitely no harm in using it if you have it. This appartment in Valencia, designed and decorated with a taste that is refreshing and exciting, is on two levels with a front area that uses the space of both levels, creating the feeling of a spacious loft - "Domes" hangs over this area. My friend Tish wanted this mobile done in colours that reminded her of the glowing yellow colours of the old town in Cadiz, the light just beginning to deepen towards sunset.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mega mobiles

Here are a couple of photos of 2 large scale mobiles I currently have on show in Casa Matisse. The larger of the two, at 2.5 metres wide by 1.5 metres long, is the largest I have made so far and I had a very interesting time grappling with it. The other one is a more modest 1.5 by 1.2. If you are passing nearby … go and have a look and let me know what you think of them. Casa Matisse is a very friendly art shop managed and owned by Maite Morell (plus she is a wonderful artist herself). It’s located in Grabador Selma, which is a small street between San Vicente and Barón de Carcer right next to Plaza del Ayuntamiento.